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Captivating footage of a monkey indulging in a banana “just like us” catches Twitter off guard

It’s no secret that monkeys and humans share numerous similarities. While chimpanzees stand as our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, gorillas have been documented strolling on two legs akin to humans. However, there’s one aspect of monkey behavior that’s stirring intrigue.

A widely circulating video online depicts a monkey delicately plucking fibrous strands from a banana, leaving countless viewers in awe of the parallels between humans and our primate counterparts.

In this endearing footage, a monkey sits beside a tree stump with her playful offspring frolicking nearby. Engrossed in the task at hand, the monkey meticulously peels and preps the banana for consumption, meticulously discarding the “stringy bits” much like many humans do.

Her reaction to the strands is palpable – she meticulously removes each one, swiftly disposing of any that come into contact with her baby.

“They’re not fans of banana strings either!” commented a Twitter user alongside the video, which has since garnered widespread attention on the platform.

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