
Orthodox Jewish Community in Brooklyn: Polarization, Pandemic, and Political Backlash

The situation you’ve described is deeply concerning. It seems like a combination of pandemic fatigue, misinformation, and political polarization, exacerbated by influential figures like President Trump, is fueling a dangerous backlash within the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn.

The violence and intimidation directed towards journalist Jacob Kornbluh for simply reporting on adherence to COVID-19 guidelines is unacceptable. It’s troubling to see individuals like Heshy Tischler exploiting the situation for personal gain and inciting further division.

It’s crucial for community leaders to step up and condemn such behavior unequivocally. While it’s understandable that there might be disagreement over the extent of government intervention in religious affairs, resorting to violence and harassment is never the answer.

Efforts should be focused on fostering constructive dialogue, promoting accurate information about the virus, and finding solutions that prioritize public health while respecting religious freedoms.

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